A lot needs to fall into place

The house in Italy is ours. We signed an agreement where we could barely decipher what it said. Also in Italian... And paid the down payment of €10,000 to the sisters Franca and Ornella Saluzzo.
We bought the first and the best – who wants second best anyway.
Now begins the process for Notaion to compile documents and together with Geometrica determine what exactly is being sold. In Italy, nothing is left to chance.
In the meantime, we are applying for the Codice Fiscale card that is needed for us to be the owner of the house. It is done via the Italian embassy in Stockholm and since we ordered plastic cards, it will take a little over a month before we receive them.
We are in regular and close contact with the real estate agent Barbara about various things that come up one after the other. She works at Immobiliare Vapprino in Imperia and is incredibly helpful.
At the end of July, we ask Barbara to request a quote from her builder that we met in April. They prefer to look at it properly one more time so it is decided that we will see each other the next time we are there.
We are trying to find a time for contract writing and hope to do so on August 15th. It would be perfect because then Hedvig, Olga and Nora can also come down and see the house. But we do not get any confirmation of the time and soon it is decided that the time must be moved forward. Instead, it will be September 6.
Then the question appears if we want the contract in both Italian and English. Absolutely, we say but soon realize it will cost an extra $800. Then we decline but it turns out that we have to have it translated by an interpreter. Otherwise, we don't know what it says. True. Small costs creep in all the time...
On August 2, it is confirmed that the contract day will be September 6 at 10:00 a.m. at Notaio Lucia Trucco's office in Diano Marina.
We quickly book flights to Italy for September 5-10. Hedvig; Olga and Nora cannot come along. This time we book flights to Bergamo with RyanAir and rent a small Fiat 500.
Now there are several projects going on in parallel in our lives. We have left Torekov and live temporarily in Viken. There it is fully renovated without spending too much money on it. The money is needed in Vasia.
There are a few different problems with the house in Italy on the way but they are no big deal. We will solve it afterwards.
We get nice drawings for the house and eventually most things will fall into place.