A week passes quickly
Every day up with the sun. Fresh walk in the mountains. Breakfast on the veranda. Put on work clothes and then... work.
All the doors that dragged in the floor have been adjusted and I repainted the tile but it was probably way too cold because it cracks easily. It can last, but it must become a splash guard at the sink and worktop into the slat.
On Monday, Andi and I (as an interpreter) went to Imperia to visit Enel and arrange the electricity subscription. It worked out easily and afterwards I invited Andi to lunch in the older parts of Porto Maurizio. He taught me about the different colors of parking spaces: White = free, blue = pay and yellow = stop the hell not here.
When we got home, Fabio and Marco had started the reinforcement of the wall and we agreed to build a small shelf from the ceiling tiles. It will be really nice.
On Tuesday I first went to Porto Maurizio to order cut glass for the veranda. Managed to find 2mm but unfortunately only flat glass. Then to Expert/Bonnavera to order a gas stove and refrigerator. Put a down payment and they will be delivered at the end of February when we come down. Then I went on to IKEA in Nice, because it's closer than Genoa, even though it's actually a bit more expensive. Quick lunch then I gathered everything I needed. Really heavy packages - they are so flat.
Got home in the evening and went straight away with Mauro and Andi to Molino, a neighboring village in the valley, to have a few beers and a bite to eat at Hostaria Pizzeria Bar Prelá.
A charming place with bright lighting in the ceiling and all the neighborhood's originals in place.
Claudi settled there, who owns the place together with his whole family, and who is also the one who will prune our mimosa and orange trees. It will be done sometime in March. I insisted on bidding which was much appreciated. Damn nice even if the language is lame...
All of Wednesday was spent screwing the cabinets together. Damn it. But it turned out well. See the film below. Mauro also stopped by to pick up all the trash that can't be burned. All up on his Ape then I watched him head out on the back roads up into the mountains. The next morning on my walk I pass a recycling station and am embarrassed when I see what is there. Armando's old TV, radios, a shower wall, water heater and... ah geez. Recycling is incredibly difficult here. I got the kitchen cabinets together and they are mounted in the wall. Worktops, stove and refrigerator - then it's almost done.
Thursday was cleaning day and all the floors and walls are now swept so that it will be easy for whoever is going to polish the floors. During the day there was an element in the bathroom to heat the tiles. In the evening I painted it one round. Thinking that it will then have to stand and dry and harden properly until we come down again.
Andi came by with two beers and a good sausage. We drank a few beers, ate, talked and had a good time standing in a chilly room. Don't have any chairs...
On Friday morning I left Vasia and now it feels reasonably ok to move there. Once our furniture and things are in place, it will be better. It feels more like a home now so it feels strange to leave the house this time.
Could see Vasia again from the flight... with a bag filled with lemons and oranges from the garden.